How to Screenshot on MSI Laptop: Quick Guide

How to Screenshot on MSI Laptop: Quick Guide

If you own an MSI laptop, you may be wondering how to take a screenshot. Screenshots are useful for capturing images of what is on your screen, and they can be used for a variety of purposes. In this article, we will show you how to screenshot on MSI laptop.

The Best Ways to Take a Screenshot on MSI Laptop

When you need to take a screenshot on your MSI laptop, there are a few different ways you can do it. Here are some of the best methods.

Use the Print Screen Key

This is the simplest way to take a screenshot on MSI laptops. Just press the Print Screen key and your screenshot will be saved to your clipboard. You can then paste it into an image editing program like Paint or Photoshop.

Use the Snipping Tool

This is a built-in Windows tool that allows you to select an area of your screen to capture. It’s great for taking screenshots of specific elements on your screen, like a dialog box or menu.

Use Win + G Combination

To take a screenshot, simply press the Win + G keys on your keyboard. This will open the Game Bar, which you can use to take a screenshot.

Once the Game Bar is open, you can click the “Screenshot” button to capture your screen. After you’ve taken your screenshot, it will be saved in the “Captures” folder inside of your ” Pictures” folder. From here, you can edit or share your screenshot as needed.

Use Win + G Combination

Use a Third-Party Screenshot Tool

There are many different screenshot tools out there, but we recommend using Snagit. With Snagit, all you have to do is press the print screen button on your keyboard and then click on the icon in the upper-right corner of the Snagit interface. Once you have taken your screenshot, you can then edit it, annotate it, or even share it with others.

How to Screenshot on MSI GS66 Laptop?

To take a screenshot, simply press the “Fn” + “PrtScr” keys on your keyboard. This will save a screenshot of your current screen to your clipboard.

You can then paste the screenshot into an image editing program such as Paint or Photoshop. From there, you can crop and edit the screenshot to your liking.

How to Screenshot on MSI GS66 Laptop?

If you want to take a screenshot of just a portion of your screen, you can use the “Snipping Tool” which is included with Windows. To use the Snipping Tool, simply launch it from the Start Menu and then select the area of your screen that you want to capture.

Why You May Need to Screenshot on MSI Laptop?

Here are a few tips on when you may need to take a screenshot on your MSI laptop.

If you need to capture an image from a website, the best way is to take a screenshot. This will give you the entire image instead of just the visible part of the website. You can then save the image and use it how you need to.

If you’re working on a project and need to share it with someone, taking screenshots can be a great way to do that. You can show them exactly what you’re seeing on your screen and walk them through what you’re doing step-by-step.

How to Edit Your Screenshots on MSI Laptop?

Assuming you would like tips on how to edit your screenshots after you have taken them on an MSI laptop:

  1. After taking a screenshot on your MSI laptop, open the photo in the Photos app that comes pre-installed on Windows 10.
  2. If you want to crop your screenshot, select the Crop tool from the toolbar along the top of the window and then click and drag the crop area around your screenshot.
  3. To adjust the brightness, contrast, or saturation of your screenshot, select the Edit & Create tool from the toolbar and then click Adjustments. From there, use the sliders to make changes to the photo.
  4. If you want to add text to your screenshot, select the Edit & Create tool from the toolbar and then click Text.


How to manually screenshot on MSI laptop?

To take a screenshot on an MSI laptop, you can either use the “PrtSc” button or the “Fn + PrtSc” button.

Why can’t I screenshot on my MSI laptop?

There could be a few reasons why you can’t screenshot on your MSI laptop. One possibility is that your Print Screen button is not working properly. Another possibility is that you don’t have the proper permissions set up to take screenshots. If you’re not sure how to fix the problem, you can contact MSI customer support for help.

Why is PrtSc key not working on my MSI laptop?

There could be a few reasons why the PrtSc key is not working on your MSI laptop. It could be a hardware issue, or it could be a problem with the drivers. Try updating the drivers and see if that fixes the problem. If not, then it may be a hardware issue and you will need to take it to a repair shop.

Related Video: How to Screenshot on MSI Laptop

Final Words

Taking a screenshot on an MSI laptop is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. By following the instructions outlined in this article, you can easily capture images of whatever is displayed on your screen. Whether you need to save a picture for work or capture a moment from a video chat with friends, taking screenshots is a helpful skill to have.

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